Joe Suzuki


The artist Joe Suzuki considers his work as artifacts of a unique mixed culture, shaped by the experience of immigrating to the US during the late 80s in his early teens. In the midst of a prolonged assimilation process, a sense of not fully belonging to either culture emerged, leading him to embrace and celebrate the space in between. This cultural identity, according to Suzuki, represents a convergence of multiple vectors without a clear hierarchy or order. He is intrigued, both visually and conceptually, by the merging and blending of opposing notions, such as East vs. West, high vs. low, commodity vs. craft, tradition vs. fads, and icon vs. iconoclasm. Suzuki perceives his art-making as an ongoing investigation, a documentation of his ever-changing, mutating, and polyglot reality. Informed by his life experiences, Suzuki’s work is contingent on his ordinary, real-world encounters as a middle-class artist and father. Through his art, he endeavors to make sense of the complex tapestry of influences and perspectives that shape his identity and creative expression.


Auction record

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Past exhibitions

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Works for sale

Balloon Puppy (silver body and violet splash)


Big Balloon Puppy (Yellow and pink)


Happy Accident Series – Rabbit


Balloon Puppy (silver body and violet splash)


Big Balloon Puppy (Yellow and pink)


Happy Accident Series – Rabbit


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