Telmo Miel


In the realm of contemporary street art, Telmo Miel emerged as a dynamic duo, blending individual talents into a collaborative masterpiece that left an indelible mark on the global art scene. Telmo Pieper and Miel Krutzmann, the creative minds behind Telmo Miel, embarked on a journey that transformed cityscapes into vivid narratives of imagination.

Their story began as a fusion of divergent styles and visions, converging to create a synergy that breathed life into the walls they touched. Telmo, with his background in graffiti, and Miel, an illustrator with an eye for detail, found common ground in their shared passion for storytelling through art.

Hailing from the Netherlands, Telmo Miel’s murals transcended cultural and geographical boundaries. Each piece was a dialogue between the whimsical and the profound, an exploration of the fantastical realms that coexist within the urban environment.

Their collaboration manifested in murals that spoke a universal language. From the whimsy of giant surrealistic animals to the poignant narratives reflecting human emotions, Telmo Miel’s work transcended the surface, inviting viewers to delve into layers of meaning and interpretation.

The duo’s nomadic spirit took them across the globe, turning city walls into an ever-evolving canvas. Telmo Miel’s murals became landmarks, transforming ordinary spaces into portals to extraordinary worlds. Whether it was the bustling streets of their hometown or the serene landscapes of distant lands, Telmo Miel embraced the ethos that every surface told a story waiting to be unveiled.

The artists, often shrouded in an air of mystery, let their art speak volumes. Telmo Miel’s legacy lies not just in the vivid strokes and meticulous details but in the emotions stirred and the conversations sparked by their creations. As they continue to weave tales on the urban tapestry, Telmo Miel remains a testament to the transformative power of collaborative street art, a celebration of two voices harmonizing to create a visual symphony that resonates across borders.



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Man of the Match


Value of warmth


Man of the Match


Value of warmth


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